Trucking companies should issue a warning label to wives!
From me & my kids point of view there are no positive attitude to have! First of all, when my husband started this adventure about a year ago, me & the kids gave him our total support & love & were behind him 100%.
He was doing team & his first driver was a really clean cut kid that went home to his parents when my husband had home time.
Well this kid couldn't take it any longer & quit. My husband asked to get another team driver that was closer to our home & the fleet manager told him I'll see what I can do.
Well they give my husband this guy that is not married & has no one in his life & has no home to go to according to him & told my husband that when you get home time, just drop me off at a cheap hotel. Well now, me & the kids are now bothered by bedbugs.
We never had this problem till this cheapo got on the truck with my husband. Yes I know you can get bedbugs from a 5-star hotel but the hotel this guy likes to stay in, I read it has a bedbug infestation.
Me & the kids went to the doctor's & the doc said you guys have bedbug bites! Now I told my husband for him to get another team driver & he said it is not that easy!
And he said that him & this guy does not have these bites on them & I told him the doctor said these bugs affect some people & not others. He has seen couples that slept in the same bed & the husband was never bitten but the wife was.
We have argued over this & I told him that these bugs are tiny & this guy could have had these bugs on his clothes & got on the seat when my husband took over to drive & brought them home in his luggage & I also told him that he could have picked them up at a truck stop.
He is really making me angry when I said to him that next time he gets home time, he will put his luggage & clothes he is wearing in the bathtub & he will get a shower before he gets into bed & he is telling me to relax that he is not bringing home any bugs & that he was not the transporter of these things.
Me & the kids didn't have this problem till he got this cheapo team driver on the truck with him. Has any other wife had this problem because this is turning into a nightmare for both me & the kids!!!