Trucking companies should issue a warning label to wives!

From me & my kids point of view there are no positive attitude to have! First of all, when my husband started this adventure about a year ago, me & the kids gave him our total support & love & were behind him 100%.

He was doing team & his first driver was a really clean cut kid that went home to his parents when my husband had home time.

Well this kid couldn't take it any longer & quit. My husband asked to get another team driver that was closer to our home & the fleet manager told him I'll see what I can do.

Well they give my husband this guy that is not married & has no one in his life & has no home to go to according to him & told my husband that when you get home time, just drop me off at a cheap hotel. Well now, me & the kids are now bothered by bedbugs.

We never had this problem till this cheapo got on the truck with my husband. Yes I know you can get bedbugs from a 5-star hotel but the hotel this guy likes to stay in, I read it has a bedbug infestation.

Me & the kids went to the doctor's & the doc said you guys have bedbug bites! Now I told my husband for him to get another team driver & he said it is not that easy!

And he said that him & this guy does not have these bites on them & I told him the doctor said these bugs affect some people & not others. He has seen couples that slept in the same bed & the husband was never bitten but the wife was.

We have argued over this & I told him that these bugs are tiny & this guy could have had these bugs on his clothes & got on the seat when my husband took over to drive & brought them home in his luggage & I also told him that he could have picked them up at a truck stop.

He is really making me angry when I said to him that next time he gets home time, he will put his luggage & clothes he is wearing in the bathtub & he will get a shower before he gets into bed & he is telling me to relax that he is not bringing home any bugs & that he was not the transporter of these things.

Me & the kids didn't have this problem till he got this cheapo team driver on the truck with him. Has any other wife had this problem because this is turning into a nightmare for both me & the kids!!!

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May 02, 2014
okay NEW
by: Anonymous

of course you can sue anyone for any reason and amounts you believe you deserve...however, it does not mean you will win the long as you are paying an attorney he will tell you anything and file anything you ask him too...bugs do not make very good witnesses...js

please let me know how that case works out! :)

Apr 30, 2014
Yes you can sue NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes you can sue hotels for bedbugs! My friend is a paralegal & her boss is handling a case for a woman that was forced to cut her dreadlocks due to her getting bedbugs from a hotel stay!

Apr 09, 2014
okay NEW
by: Anonymous

Cant sue anyone for bugs! That's a funny would be wasting money on an attorney because bugs are everywhere! :) Glad to be of help maybe you will get some relief....:) Good Luck..

Apr 09, 2014
Thank you so much for your advice NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you so very much for your advice. Oh I forgot to add that when we did do the taxes, the tax lady said we couldn't add the bug spray to the taxes for deductions. That sucks. But anyhow someone told me that if my husband gets holed up again at this hotel in Laredo & brings them home again, find a lawyer to sue! And I said well maybe if our government was to help its own people out for problems instead of sending financial aid to foreign countries who hate us with a passion, maybe we wouldn't all be having these problems. But again thank you so much & I will try out these products.

Apr 09, 2014
Your welcome NEW
by: Anonymous

Of course the exterminator will tell you the home remedies dont work...he wants the money for doing the job himself...

I know of a lot of people who have used the method I have spoken of in my last post and it has worked. The reason why I know a lot of people who have this problem is because I work at Home Depot! lol....

So my suggestions come from a place called experience and I am not trying to dig a whole lot of money out of your what will it hurt to try and do this method?? You wont be out of pocket much. I will give you a few ideas for a do it yourself remedy to your bed bug problem until you are able to move to a new location oh and by the way bed bugs do not travel on pets they travel on people, furniture, clothing,etc...

1. Bed bug and flea spray $9.97 a gallon

2. Plastic bed covers $5.97 each king and queen, $4.58 for twin and full

3. Bed bug traps ( so you can find out if t is bed bugs) $5.97

4. Plastic wrap (bubble or bisquine) for any cloth based furniture.

5. Trash bags for clothing etc...

6. Indoor fogger (kills hidden bugs) $8.97 each

I know it is a lot of work for you but if you want to stop getting chewed up by these varmints you must put in the the exterminator.....its your choice.

Bomb the house first.....
Spray mattresses including box spring, with bug spray and wrap in plastic covers for 30 can still sleep on them just dont take off the plastic. Same goes for any cloth furniture. Take all pillows, blankets, spray and stuff in plastic trash bags wrap tight and leave it for 30 days. Try to manage to sleep with one pillow each and sheets only....these are easy to wash more often than blankets. Try and use less clothing... spray, and put all extra in plastic trash bags for 30 days. You will need to bomb there after until you guys decide you cant take it any more and move will be taking the varmints with you to a new place if you take any beds, furniture, clothing, etc. and you do not take these precautions.

Sorry you have to go through all this but it is what it long as we travel so do the bugs. You are not alone.....

Apr 09, 2014
A forever living nightmare NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks to the person who commented about bombing the place. Unfortunately, I was told by an exterminator that bombing has no effect on these bugs! The only choice of method to exterminate these things is to come out. I cannot afford this exterminator especially not on my husband's pay since a trucker's pay is never consistent. Exterminators charge anywhere from $1,000-$5,000.00 & I live in an apartment building & the exterminator said they need to call & get the manager's approval. I said forget it because I know for a fact that the manager is not going to allow these exterminators tear up the rug & she would evict us, even though we are always paying our rent on time & no complaints against us till this problem. And you were right that my husband would never fess up as to him being responsible for transporting these things & then he said to me after arguing over this that these bugs could have came from the new maintenance man or the new people across from us since they have a dog & I told him no these marks were on us before the maintenance man & the new neighbors & then he said to me oh they probably came from Laredo, Texas before I came home for home time because him & his team driver were holed up in a hotel for a week because the truck was broke down for a week because the mechanic was waiting for a part & even though the trucking company paid for the hotel room & him & his team driver were shuttled from room to room day to day because each day they had to check in with the mechanic & the room cost the trucking company $36.00 a night for the both of them!!! And even at the doctor's office when the nurse took a biopsy of my shoulder to send to the lab to verify the doctor's diagnosis, she said to me she has heard so many complaints from other people about this type of work & I said well my motto is if you want to get paid pennies a mile, have to pay dollars out there on the road to survive by taking a good chunk of your pay, put up with cheap hotels when the truck breaks down, put up with a team driver that you may not be happy with, have bedbugs hitch a ride onto your luggage & bring home to your family, & this one which is not my situation but other wives or girlfriends of truckers to put up with but bring home an STD, then come on down trucking is right for you!!!! And the nurse also told me that bedbugs are very difficult to get rid of!!! She told me if she was in my shoes, she would have hightailed it out of there & left her husband & I said yeah well my parents are clear across town & that would inconvenience my kids by them not having their friends around & taking them out of school & reintroducing them to a new school! And I already told my husband that from now on in when he comes home, it will be a military inspection by him putting everything in trashbags & putting in the tub & checking all electronics because these bedbugs are even known to hide in them, too.

Mar 31, 2014
good NEW
by: Anonymous

good to put your foot down...there is an infestation all across america right now with these critters....if you do exactly what you have told him to do then you should be good...and if i were you i would bomb the house before he comes home and after he leaves since he is not convinced these little travelers are not his fault! and deduct all the pesticides off on his taxes as preventitive medical costs....good luck.

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