Trucking Companies - Trucker Job Descriptions

Hey, I am just curious and doing some research about carpal tunnel and truckers...when you are hired on at a company like Old Dominion or Schneider National, do you get a job description or something that tells you what the physical requirements are?

Im looking for something in writing...Thanks!

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Jul 20, 2016
General job description
by: Hervy

Yes you do get a job description. There will be something in writing when you apply to a job.

Basically there is nothing in most trucking jobs that is repetitive and constant enough to get carpal tunnel that I know of. I imagine drivers would say shifting or tarping or unloading trucks could cause it.

I don't see it. A person doing something for hours straight using the same movement seems to be what causes it or pressure on the nerve (perhaps with agitation) for extended periods.
(Although I am not a Dr.)

The only way, I would think one could get it from driving the truck is to rest your wrist over the steering wheel or gear shifter all of the time.

That is not the proper or safe way to drive. And if you are doing that and start to feel discomfort, common sense should tell you to stop doing it.

My wrists never bothered me in 13 years.

I am sure there are truckers who have gotten it or say they have gotten it though. I understand that we all are different. And what is possible to happen at some point happens.

If you are doing this 'research' to decide on whether to drive or not, I would say don't let worrying about that keep you from driving.

You can just avoid the things which could cause it.

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