Trucking groupies?

I was talking to this one cab driver that was taking me home after shopping and he said that he only got this cab driver job temporarily because he had hip surgery and he can’t get in and out of the truck because he is an OTR truck driver and I told him so is my husband and I said I heard lot lizards are not in truck stops like they used to be and he said I was correct but he said at every truck stop there is what truckers call “trucker groupies”.

I asked him what did he mean by that and he said a “trucker groupie” is either one girl or a few girls and hook up with a driver and go in his truck and keep him company and go on the road long distance and they give the driver sex while the driver feeds them and houses them.

I told him that lately my husband is taking more money out for food like $300.00 every week and he whistled and said I better have a talk with my husband because he said $300.00 every week for food is a lot for one person.

And with OTR trucking, a truck driver can get away with having affairs because there is no way the wife can find out and if he is being unfaithful, I don’t want to get a STD.

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Jan 28, 2025
I Have Never
by: The Crazy Trucker

Maybe I'm just naive, but I've not heard this term nor seen this at any truckstop. That said, I can guarantee this has happened at some truck stop at some time or another.

Think about adventure seeking hitch hikers or some of the girls that used to be in the lots with what they feel is few options.

So sure, i can see this happening.

But there also this thing where truckers LOVE to tell stories an exaggerate as well.

I think this guy is exaggerating his story about something he might have seen with A woman before.

Might have heard another drivers saying he's seen it happen or experienced it too. (3,000,000) truck drivers out here please remember.

So now this guy retells the story saying this is at every truck strop. It's ridiculous.

That said, it does seem you have an issue that needs discussing with your husband. If he can't provide a rational, logical explanation then yes, you do have a serious issue at hand.

Because that change doesn't just happen for no reason. If he's started weight lifting and trying to build muscle would be the only logical explanation that I can think of and you would see physical evidence if that's he excuse. Anything short of that, seems sketchy.

So good luck with resolving this. Don't let him get away with making up ridiculous excuses or pretending it doesn't mean anything.

That's mathematics. If you once only used $150 or $200 and now you use $300 consistently and you tell me nothings changed. You are calling me a fool and I am not a fool. As a matter of fact, get on the scale. lol.

If he's the exact same size, weight, muscle mass, etc as before this started, he's not eating the food.

So what is he spending the money on. Or who is he spending it on.

He needs to provide an answer and if not inform him he is compromising the integrity of the relationship because something is happening and he's not being truthful or straightforward about it which causes trust issues and things go down hill from there.

Men and Women like ot play this game as if because you can't prove something, it isn't true or they just have to keep denying it.

Well, don't allow it. I've been there and it doesn't help to go along with it. It's better off to stand your ground and demand answers and without them, walk. (even if it's only space)

They have to decide what they really want. Allowing it to continue will only keep you in limbo for who knows how long while things likely get worse and the evitable eventually occurs.

so why let it persists. Either pain and inconvenience of facing it now or later. Why wait.

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