Trucking is my dream

by Lee Jones
(Fort Worth Texas)

I am trying to find out how can i get any experience on a truck if no one will give me a chance out here. I have my class A liceense i was wanting to know if you know if any and who will give me achance to show that my past is my past and i want to get a job in what i have dreams for my family is having a hard time beause i have went to school and have not been able to use my license. I am willing to relocare if i have to make a better life for myself and family. Please help

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Oct 29, 2009
limited experience or violations?
by: Robin

I guess I don't know what kind of trouble you've had, but I do know that my husband had a hard time getting a job with no experience.

The companies that were pre-hiring newbies at his school were Werner, Swift and Con-Way, although con-way wanted teams.

For both Swift and Werner there is a long training period at the beginning, where you ride with a mentor....for Swift it's 6 weeks, without coming home and for Werner I thought it was 8 weeks, and you have to go to Nebraska for the orientation.

Swift does it at the closest terminal to you. Just check around. there are a lot of sites with trucking jobs, only, you have to google it for a list.

I hope this helps. Good Luck!

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