trucking Jobs in michigan?????

by James Pearson
(Eaton Rapids MI)

I am seperating from the military in June and would like a local job or something with short stays (2-3 nights out)a week. I am relocating to the Lansing/Jackson area. Any info will help.
would perfer a company that will help get my CDL liscence I have all the schoolin done through the military I just need to get my liscence in Michigan. Thank you

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Mar 19, 2009
Trucking jobs in Michigan
by: Hervy

Hello James,

It will be hard enough finding a trucking job that will run you 2 or 3 days out of the week. Finding one that will train you to run 2 or 3 days I would venture to say is close to impossible.

It probably wouldn't be feasible because it would take so long for you to pay the back with your service only running that short amount of time.

Some of the larger companies that may have a terminal near you in Michigan may have something for you. You would probably have to drive for a year OTR first to get a run like that though. Also a small company who isn't doing enough business to run full time may have an opening posted in your local paper or online.

The only way to find that out for sure though is to continue wit your investigation. Make sure you go to a nearby truck stop and pick up the trucking magazines so that you will have a list of trucking companies to call and ask questions.

Good Luck

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