trucking jobs

by Kevin Black
(Sacramento ,CA)

I been filling out a lot of application online and few calls and few of them said I been out of school way too long and I still have my CDL from recent graduate from June 2009 during those times I have one accident on the record from 2007 and got laid off from aug 2008 then decide went to local trucking school and still not find work and one point from dmv just about ready to drop off. now all they are saying is i been out of school too long and cant be hired .

I think it way too silly what you think?

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Jun 23, 2010
Give this a try
by: NickV

Have you called CRST. That is the company I am with and I finished school and couldnt find a job for 9 months. CRST finally hired me but like the other person wrote, I had to do a refresher. CRST will pay for half or atleast thats what they did for me. It was 500 and had to come up with half. It was a 5 day course and in all actuality im kinda glad I did it. I was more than rusty. The school I had to go to was called C1 in Little Rock, AR. They had rooms on site that were not exactly the best but tell me a place I can stay for 5 days and get training for 250 bucks and im in. Also they do physicals so you will have your medical card updated so you wont have to worry about that also. They will train you in the yard doing the mickey mouse course til your drug test comes back and then the rest of the time your out on the road brushing up on skills. Dont sound like you need it but if thats what you gotta do then so be it. Plus after you get done with all that mess you will be with a legit company, get some miles under your belt and establish a new background and you can go where ever you want in 6 months if your past jobs have verifyible job history. Good Luck to ya

Jun 23, 2010
out school
by: American Trucker

sorry to say out longer than 6months got to do refresh.

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