Trucking leasing advice with poor credit

by Warren Mckenzie
(houston tx usa )

I am just getting started and would like to take over payments and not have to do a lease program. Any advice would help.

My credit it not the best due to a divorce but I pay my bills and would like to have my own truck, a KW T660!

I can take over payments but trying to finds somebody willing to let me do that is slim to none these days.

I have read a lot of horror stories with dealers and lease programs. Any advice or direction is much appreciated....W

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Nov 16, 2014
You need a truck NEW
by: Anonymous

say man I might be able to help you in getting a truck .... give me a buzz at 612-559-2061 if no answer be sure to leave your cont. inform....

Mar 12, 2014
Anything is possible NEW

There are options if you have poor credit, so don't give up.

Check out:

This company has many funding options for truckers with good or bad credit. As long as you don't have past-due child support, you will be okay. They help start-ups and owner-operators.

I've listed a few hurdles they've helped some people I know overcome below:
-Slow pay
-No pay

Perry Funding can get you a Pre-Approval in 1-2 hours and a Final Approval in 3-24 hours. Driving experience required: 3 days.

Mar 12, 2014
Anything is possible NEW

There are options if you have poor credit, so don't give up.

Check out:

This company has many funding options for truckers with good or bad credit. As long as you don't have past-due child support, you will be okay. They help start-ups and owner-operators.

I've listed a few hurdles they've helped some people I know overcome below:
-Slow pay
-No pay

Perry Funding can get you a Pre-Approval in 1-2 hours and a Final Approval in 3-24 hours. Driving experience required: 3 days.

Feb 25, 2014
Anything is possible! NEW
by: M Watson

Unless it has changed in the last few years, most dealerships will finance you with a B average credit rating 600* or more if you have collateral to cover the type of truck you seek. If you want a $100k rig or better then its best if you own a home, and if you can show a steady working contract. I started my company years ago at the young age of 22 with no credit but I had a dedicated contract for work and had collateral to cover the truck. Stay at it tho, I had many no's before I had got my yes! Good Luck!

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