trucking life

do you meet a lot of women on the road. potential mates?

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Jun 08, 2009
Will you marry me?
by: Jimmy

Yes, you can meet women on the road. No, you cannot nurture a relationship. Why?, you say. Because you will be gone before the sun comes up. So, you would have to be one quick man of action to capture her heart and win her over during a 10 hour break. I know, I know, you're the Don Juan of your little 1450 population town. But, lets keep it somewhat serious here.

Me, personally, I am an optimist. I say, if you can dream it, you can do it. I met my 3rd wife on the road. I was a driver trainer, she was a student. She was assigned to my truck to be trained. A few months later, we were husband/wife.

Any woman, anywhere, anytime, any place is fair game. That includes the cashier at the truckstop that you regularly fuel at every week, right? It also includes the payroll gal that you see pretty regular at the terminal. How about the office gal at that shipper that you seem to be picking up at pretty regular? That friendly waitress you always do a doubletake with whenever you stop at such and such a truck stop. When the opportunity arises, go for it.

Movers have a good opportunity to meet chicks because they're spending most of a day loading their furniture and then another day unloading it in her new home.

Remember this though, you will have to court her from afar. Jimmy

Jun 08, 2009
Meeting women on the road trucking
by: Hervy

You could meet some women, all depends on what your priorities and objective is out here.

Just going through your normal trucking routines you won't really meet many women, especially not potential mates as you say.

However if you are young and single there is opportunity to go and hang out, all depends on how the company operates that you will be working at as to how much you can hang out.

At some companies you will run right through the weekend. You could catch a movie or go to the mall or Walmart if you started running early in the day and you run out of hours in a city where places to go are near.

Don't forget that you will be needing to get up early the next morning. Other companies like mine, you don't run as much on the weekend.

I could be out right now if I wanted to be, but I am working on this website and doing some other work. I Could have went out last night if I wanted to but I would not have been able to start driving as early.

I don't really advise you do be looking for a mate out here if your objective is to make money, save money, and start building wealth.

A relationship will limit your focus on making the best moves for productivity. Plus, if you do want a mate, she will be best riding with you, this mean much higher expenses and time management issues. If she is older or has some commitments at home that keeps her from riding then you go back into having to dedicate your time the little free time that you will have to nuturing the relationship.

Some people rather have that and it's worth the sacrifice to them, that's fine. I just want you to understand the realities.

I did go out some when I first came out here after reaching my initial goals. I was single and young making good money as an owner operator so I didn't have to run as hard once I paid off my truck. Not now though, not worth the hassle for me, I would rather write and work on my projects. I will be open to a relationship when I get out of the truck or if I happen to run across a winner that overwhelms me.

You will need to find a very special person and you too have to be insightful, thoughtful and considerate of the feelings of others if you
are seriously wanting to be in a relationship as a trucker.

Remember this, most women you meet will think you have women all over so that is going to come into play anytime there is a questionable moment on the road. For instance, when I am writing, driving in rush hour or heavy traffic, I don't answer the phone. LOL, if I was in a relationship some women would swear out something else was going on even if they don't say anything.

I don't need that. Rather work.

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