Trucking Questions to ask trucking companies

by Thomas
(Sheldon, Iowa, USA)

What questions should I asked a company?

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Apr 22, 2009
by: Jimmy

Thomas, basically, most companies operate the same. Pick-up freight,and deliver it. The difference is how big the company is, how much they pay, the type of products they specialize in, their running lanes, their benefits, their rules for home time, idling the engine, bonuses, passenger/pet policy, orientation process and location, even chain-up policy. Can you take the truck home for home time. And most importantly, do they run legal?

If you want Fido to be with you, you need a company that allows pets. If you live near I-80, you DON"T want a company that runs mostly I-40. If you live in Iowa and orientation is in Florida, they may buy you a 1-way bus ticket there, but after that, you're on your own.

In a perfect world, you would live in the same city as the company you drive for. You would drive a nice new truck, make real good money, get a safety/fuel bonus, get home when requested, run a legal log book, get 3000 miles a week, the truck would never break down, all pick-up and delivery times (appointments) would be honored. The Police would never hassle you, the weather would be perfect, fuel islands would be wide open, shower lines non-existant,but, it's not a perfect world.

Also consider dry van freight vs. refrigerated vs. flat bed vs. tanker. Dry van is the least amount of hassles. But, refrigerated is good to know. As is flat bed. Jimmy

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