Trucking questions-drugs, hookers and temptation by Gary. Drugs, fe

by garyserrano
(louisville ky)

whats up crazy trucker got couple ? i got out of prison in 04 had another charge in 01 and my first prison term 98 im now 28 and have since started a family and got lucky and got job delivering milk for deans in louisville ky and got to drive box truck under the gvwr and i want to get a local job and i kno u said get out on road and give the company some clean time no tickets and stuff like that but my ? is do u think or see a lot of temptation on the road as a trucker far as hookere drug as far as doing them or transporting them ? and another ? is what type of ?SHOULD I ASK THE DRIVING SCHOOL I PLAN TO GO TO ITS AT A COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRICE IS 3790 THE PRIVATELYOWN COMPANY HAD SHIFTING SIMULATER NEW TRUCKS AND WAS RAN LIKE A BUSS. IM JUST THINKING I WILL GET WHAT I PAY FOR I PLAN TO PAY FOR IT OUT OF POCKET WITH TAX MONEY LOVE THAT CHILD TAX CREDIT ANY WAY IF U THINK OF ANY THING Hit me ME BACK *email taken out* oh my original ? was what about multiple felonies i think that mite hurt me but im going to get out there do what i need to do so i dont get back in that same old shit i was into im over it and have 2boys and one on the way. My girl got a career im medical field and i want to contribute also tired of lame warehouse job after lame ware house job any way hit me back with any advise im going to petro to tlk to truckers

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Dec 23, 2008
Temptation in trucking
by: Anonymous

My honest opinion is that if the temptation is your concern. This is NOT THE JOB FOR YOU! No matter where you go, there is always temptation. If you are weak, prison may be in your future again. I don't mean to seem critical of you, or your situation. However, Crazy was right. Proactive is the ONLY way to stop where you are, and to make the right decisions. If that is something that is hard to do. Then perhaps this is not the job for you. At almost ever stop there is a "lot lizard" and as they say drugs are everywhere.


Dec 23, 2008
temptation of drugs and hookers and felon
by: The Crazy Trucker

trucking jobs for felons are a little harder to come by especially if you have more than one. Here's more information about getting in trucking for felons

As far as temptation man, there will be temptation but you already got the right idea about how to handle that. You are being proactive by asking questions and researching the job.

That is the same way you deal with temptation. Be proactive, avoid them. T here are a few lot lizards still running around truck stops if they way they look don?t discourage you from leaving them alone just avoid the truck stops where you hear a lot lizard on the cb. Get you a pad and make a list of the ones to avoid.

Same thing with drugs, avoid the spot where it?s common for them to try to sell it. I think they are police anyway don?t see how someone could do that on a regular basis and not get busted.

You won?t really run into a lot of people trying to get you to haul drugs unless your looking for it or if you talk to everybody like you know them. (like I do!) If you think about the risk of all you could lose its really not that hard to resist getting involved, plus, you know those boys need their father around man so stay strong.

The only way to see how many companies will take you on man with those felonies is to call them and speak to them. You will definitely get some no?s but there really is a lot of difference between companies so don?t let what one say discourage you from calling another. You may end up at a not so great company while you wait for those charges to get a little older on your record.

If don?t find a company that will give you a chance, you might want to see if a moving company will hire you as a helper cause at least they got trucks there that they might let you get into if their policy doesn?t keep them fro doing it.

A community college is probably going to be a pretty good bet on CDL training.
But ask them how many hours in the program, how many hours behind the wheel and do they have job placement. Compare their answers to other school that charge around the same amount so that you know whether you are getting a good deal or not. That sounds about average though.

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