trucking school student needs backing tips

by viv
(hartford ct)

need a few pointers on straight backing cant seem to get it

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Jul 14, 2018
Backing NEW
by: Kate, 'Tour guide' Anonymous

* Line up, park straight then as you back up flick your eyes right left right left, one second each side between the two mirrors right left right left all the way down the driveway or whatever. *

Jul 14, 2018
Backing NEW
by: Kate, 'Tour guide' Anonymous

* Line up, park straight then as you back up flick your eyes right left right left, one second each side between the two mirrors right left right left all the way down the driveway or whatever. *

Aug 22, 2014
Advice for backing straight NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't give up and try not to get frustrated. I'm a,student too and it took me a month for straight backing to click. Start out straight and go slow and do not overturn the wheel. Watch that your trailer wheels are all straight and follow them with your tractor wheels straight. If trailer drifts, correct it quickly as once it goes off, it's hard to chase. Don't give up! I got it and you will too. One maneuver at a time!

May 13, 2011
old school driver
by: tdm

the best thing to always do is take your time when you know the door stand between the door and your truck for a good look pull your rig into the straightest position possible with the door back slowly

May 13, 2011
old school driver
by: tdm

the best thing to always do is take your time when you know the door stand between the door and your truck for a good look pull your rig into the straightest position possible with the door back slowly

Jan 27, 2011
Back er up Viv
by: NickV

Check your mirrors back and forth, whichever mirror that butt end starts showing up more and more in...turn your wheel to that mirror and it will go the other way. Trick is to never and I mean NEVER get to far out of shape. All you will do is work yourself into a blind side and although you gotta do it sometimes you want to avoid it at all costs. Take advantage of everything given to you. Meaning pull up that extra 5 foot if you got it, you'll be thankful for it. Just remember to take your time, it will take a lot longer to fill out accident reports then it will to Get Out And Look. Really its gonna take practice, patience, and confidence. If it were easy everyone would drive a big truck haha. Goodluck to ya and keep us posted on your steps to success of the evil maneuver called backing

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