Trucking while attending college online

by Ellen
(Madison wi, US)

I am thinking about joining the trucking world, but I am going to college online, so I would need access every night. Is this possible? And since I am female I am worried about my safety.

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Jan 02, 2009
going to college while trucking otr
by: thecrazytrucker

Hi Ellen,

Not only is it possible, I encourage finding a way to spend time productively such as taking online courses. I am highly dependent on the internet myself, and not having my laptop(it was broke, or i should say i broke it) has been my biggest setback not having trouble getting a signal.

There will be a few places that you will have problems with high speed access but almost everywhere you will going, you should be able to get a signal at or en route to your destination. If you are going somewhere off in the woods you might have to stop at the closest bigger town to access the internet and then get up early to make it to your destination instead of driving into the small towns.

I use Sprint, they are fairly decent, however my homeboy tells me his Verizon service is better.
Either way will cost about $60 per month unlimited usage.

The truck stops all have WIFI hot spots but you have to be around a hot spot for that to work.

If you already have a phone with a major carrier that will be your best high speed internet connection for trucking.

For safety, you need not be concerned any more than a man as long as you take the same precautions that men now a days should take.

Don't park overnight in unlighted places. There are some ramps that I would never park on, (they are starting to pass out tickets now anyway for parking on the ramp in some states).

Pretty much use common sense when parking. With tough economic times crime usually goes up. Being proactive with that in mind you shouldn't have a problem.

Unless your offended by CB talk being a woman shouldn't be a problem. There will be some driver's that will disrespect you on the radio don't take it personal and honestly there is no need to exchange words with them unless you find it entertaining (then it's a different story, go for it.

If you ignore or respond with intelligence or a lady's touch, there will more than likely be another driver that jumps on the CB and curse that clown out and tell him to shut up.

Hope this helped.

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