Trucking without a cb radio or cell phone?

by ann
(dallas tx usa)

Would a truck driver haul a load over the road without a cb radio or a cell phone?

Lets say you live in Texas and take a lay down load to Memphis TN would you do it without a cell phone or cb radio?

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Mar 11, 2012
Trucking without communications
by: Hervy

Well, I would assume that not many truckers would do this but. You know what they say about assumptions.

I have driven many times without a CB. All the way from Carolina to Arizona and back several times. But I rarely use my CB, so no big deal to me.

I would also have left the phone, but I make multiple deliveries hauling furniture. Or excuse me, made multiple deliveries hauling furniture.

But, because I was wanting to pay more attention to what I was program the i was listening to on the radio. Not music. I didn't have my cell on except when I needed to make calls to deliver or call in to the company on many occasions.

But you must remember. I had no girl, kids, etc.
So no one has any level of expectation for the phone to be on.

If I had a girl or kids, the phone would have been on. Or at least would not been off without a better reason. (which I can't think of right now)

Hope that helps,

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