Trying to be supportive

I have been a trucker's wife now for a year & I will have to admit that at times it can be challenging trying to juggle the kids, a job & the finances. We do wear many hats.

I have stood by my husband through thick & thin but something came up & even my parents have chastised him, not to his ears but mine & especially my father won't let up.

My husband has lost all his keys which are the house keys, car keys & the keys to the truck & he had to get a spare from his team driver. The keys can be replaced. But on the keychain were items that I have gotten engraved for him, the kids got items that were engraved & my parents also have given him nice charms engraved that said loving husband, loving father & so forth.

Now I am hearing nagging from my parents especially my father saying things like "how the hell do you lose a set of f*****g keys & he wants you to run right out & get them made up at a hardware store, but the worst part is he lost all those cherished mementos that we had engraved for him, he is nothing but a f****g idiot & only kids lose stuff" & we all paid good money to have these things done for him!

My father wasn't much help by adding this & saying this to me "I bet he lost his keys because he probably had some floozy in that truck & he is making time with her while he is away from you & she took them" & my father also said you can hear keys drop on the floor or the ground & he said he shouldn't be allowed to drive a big rig since he is like a kid & what's next him losing his wallet & his license!

And I found out that when my parents were at my house & I had stepped out of the room, my husband called & my father hit ignored & then he went into my contacts & blocked my husband so when I did call him, he told me I was trying to call you & I got your voicemail & I asked my father why he did it & he said that I don't need to talk to a child!

Now my mother sticks up for my father & tells me that your father knows best & he can read people so if he feels idiot boy is an idiot then he is one!

I love my parents but have there been any wives out there that their husbands have lost their valuables.

I am also having friends tell me that with these guys on the road for over a month or more before they get home, that yes, indeed, they are playing the field!!!

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Apr 23, 2014
Advice NEW
by: Anonymous

I also am a truckers wife and I know exactly how difficult it can be at times but throughout it all its not easy for both of you and for your husband loosing his keys I'm sure they where sentimental but at the same time they are all replaceable what isn't replaceable are memories so cherish the time with your husband and kids. When it comes to your parents you should explain to them that when it comes to your husband and you they need to be supportive as well with both of you most of all it was a minor issue that could have been resolved without the input of your parents. When you made those vows you made them to your husband not your parents and as a wife be supportive and build a home for him to come home and relax without the stress of work with his family. Even make time for just the two of you.
I hope the best for you and your husband and may your future be blessed.

Mar 31, 2014
well NEW
by: Anonymous

if it husband has lost his keys before too...along with leaving his license at gas station, and his coffe cups after using the restroom and being in a hurry. To think a person can ""never" lose ones keys is ridiculous....i am sure your father is so perfect that he has never lost a thing in his entire lifetime! hahahaha....really?

so the derogatory statements he makes about "your" husband is unfounded.....he has no proof that he has done anything wrong...i know the momentos are gonna be hard to replace.

Some things cannot always be kept forever. houses burn up people lose all of their worldly possessions and they move on. I m sure sometime in your lifetime you too will lose something precious that can never be replaced? Think about how he felt when it happened I am sure he is sad you want him to stop working ridden with grief over these momentos?? No the logical thing would be to move on, make some more momentos and then dont let him take it with him out on the road, which is what someone (like your father) should have suggested in the first place..

give him a break because if you dont just remember he wont be there when you need a break for your mistakes.

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