Trying to deal with it

by Edie

Wow this isn't easy especially if one has abandonment issues. I feel negative, I feel angry when I haven't heard from him. I'm just trying to stay quiet bc I know all those angry, upset feelings aren't going to be right.

I know I have to stay busy. I finally googled "trucker's wife" and found this. I don't even know why I'm so upset, I do trust him, and even I think I'm being irrational. Trying to find some reason in my head. Ugh.

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Aug 18, 2017
I feel the same as you do NEW
by: Janeen

I am new to the trucker dating stuff also. Dated one other long haul driver and that ended quickly. My new guy is actually an old high school mate that reconnected just three months ago. We have been dating since. He is gone three to four weeks and home only a couple of days at a time. I trust him completely yet my past abandonment issues haunt me. We communicate well and I am very honest about how it makes me feel. This trip home however we had plans to spend together and now I find out his adult daughter is coming to stay with him the entire week he is home. This leaves little time for us. I am so frustrated and disappointed but I feel like he is worth it and treats me well when he is here. Its just a time thing.

Sep 18, 2016
Its a process
by: Hervy

Edie, sounds like you are mindful and aware. I say keep doing what you are doing, and you will likely find that you are not having to correct your thinking as often.

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