Trying to eat less meat and more fruit. Is it possible on the road?

by Lawrence
(Pittsburg Texas)

I am trying to cut down on my consumption of meat and increase my intake of raw fruits and vegetables. How hard is it to find these items.

Being gone for weeks at a time how hard is it to budget your eating expenses?

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Aug 17, 2021
Trucking Does Not Keep You From Eating Healthy in 2021
by: Hervy

There is no problem with having fresh fruits and veggies on the road. (Don't let no one tell you different.)

Here's how I manage to eat healthy trucking

Here is a short quick summary..

1. Get a Cooler that operates on DC current

2. Take your own veggies and fruit with you
(Eggs, beans, oatmeal as well)

3. Most Every Truckstop has fruit and veggies as well. And they have boiled eggs

4. There are Walmarts Supercenters everywhere and I've never had a problem pulling into one. Regardless of what you heard. (Pull in the entrance where they deliver and park out of the way)

6. Even Dollar General and Some Family Dollar stores have salads now. But you have better selection including organic at Walmart.

7. Plenty of Grocery stores will also be on your route and easy to get into.

All you have to do is Google for these stores in route and take your 30 minutes break there.

Or Google for the location near where you will stop for the night stop on the way. I stop at Food Lion all of the time when in North and South Carolina

All it takes in forethought and planning. Seems like you already have the forethought.

Jul 13, 2018
Finding fruits and veggies trucking OTR
by: Hervy

You can find fruits and veggies these days fairly easily.

Best thing to do is take it with you and stop by Walmart or grocery store to restock.

You will save a lot of money getting a fridge that plugs into cigarette lighter and taking food with you.

truckers healthy options

Jul 02, 2010
just a suggestion
by: Ricky

You also might want to look into something REALLY easy...When ya go to walmart get a few 6 packs of V-8 juice...they have hot and spicey....Just get the small 5 oz....cans....3 of those a day and your good to go!!!!

Mar 20, 2008
Yes you can eat healthy and stay fit on the road!
by: Hervy

Lawrence Glad your making that health move. I did it 3 years ago, lost 30lbs, lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol level.

Sleep better, stay alert longer, better urine flow and when i drop the number 2 loads in the stool the process is a lot smoother (haha hope that wasn't too gross.

Anyway, contrary to what people believe its cheaper, easier and more efficient to eat healthier.

It's All about planning man. Hit Walmart or your grocery store of choice to stock up.

truckers healthy options
(For latest new choice of foods)

I stock up on the sliced pears and peaches in lite syrup. If you go to the Walmarts in lower Texas you can find other fruits too like Papaya and Mango in he same price range.

These fruits are canned with no preservatives,just like eating them fresh. (Kinda) but remember their loaded woth natural sugar.

Also you should get a bag of apple and a bunch of bannas

Lawrence if your really trying to go healthy man you should grab you a good fiber cereal too. I used Fiber One Bran Cereal (57%of daily value of fiber in 1 serving)

Also get you some beans, (Kidney or Pinto are the best) They are high in fiber and protein.

You also want to get you some Walmart Tuna fish. (If you like tuna) I cant tell a difference in the taste between Walmart and any of the other more expensive popular brands. I even like Walmarts better because it is more shredded. If you like chunks then you may want Chicken of the Sea but it will cost a little more.

Be advised that tuna might have mercury. Kippers could be a better choice.

You want to get you a jug of water too. Squeeze some lemons in it and use stevia for sweetner.

You should eat smaller portions more often and drink water at every meal. Depending on where your driving, sometimes you don't want to have to stop to use the bathroom. Like if you have to do multiple deliveries around Chi-town or something.

Oh, plus if you like these you can get them without preservative also. Corn, String beans, Spinach.
I eat all of these right out of the can man.

Now a days with many people becoming more health conscious grocery stores offer more vegetable with no preservatives so check the cans of other veggies you like to see if you see them with no preservatives.

If you are trying to be healthy and lose weight cut out all flour based products.(yes that means bread)
Cut out sodas and even juices.

Make sure you return to the site often man I am going to put my entire weight plan up somewhere in here actually it part of motivational cd i am working on for single parents.

But thats how you eat cheaper and more healthier at the same time.

This was written years ago. Updated choice for trucker diet is here.

truckers healthy options

The Crazy Trucker

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