Trying to manage my trucker being gone 4 weeks at a time!
I am not yet a truckers wife but I hope to be one within the next year or so. Anyway, my boyfriend is a long distance driver. He and his male co-driver take turns at the wheel. My guy is the night driver.
It makes it harder on me that he drives at night because I know he's sleeping all day and I cant call him unless I have to. So he will usually call around 9pm and we will talk for a couple of hours. This communication is why our relationship works. I look forward to his evening calls and he has never missed a night. The one thing that is awkward for me is that his co-driver is usually up for at least an hour during our conversations and can hear my boyfriends side of the entire convo.
There's very little that his co-driver doesn't know about us. However, I know there's nothing that can be done about that but it is weird.
My boyfriend is gone for 4 weeks and home a week. 4 weeks is a long time. There are times when he will get to restart at home or even just come home for a night but I never know when this will happen. When it does it's a nice surprise but it's not something I can count on.
Here's my personal difficulty....a day or two before he leaves the sadness kicks in. It will last for several days after he's gone too. These days are very hard for me. I try to distract myself as much as I can but the truth is just better when he's home. So how do I cope better when he's gone?
He's a great guy who has taken on supporting my kids from a previous marriage. He has also given me full control of our finances. This has been such a nice change from my previous relationships. I also work, so what sucks is when he's home for his week I still have to work.
Anyway, here are my struggles that I could use advice about:
-Coping with him being gone better
-trying to not be jealous of all the time he spends with his co-driver. Even though his co-driver is a guy I still get jealous.
-sometimes I feel like him being gone bothers me more than it bothers him
I love this man and I'm not going anywhere but I have got to manage my sadness better when he's gone.