Under what circumstances would a company require access your medical records?

by Driver

As a part of the pre employment process, a medical examination, including drug testing, will be required after a conditional offer of employment. I further agree to provide access to previous medical records if required.

IF required? So what circumstances would they require the medical records of an employee. In the even of an accident? When signing up with the company sponsored health insurance? If you have no prior health conditions why would the company need to look into you medical history at all?

Am I right to assume if the driver passed the dot physical without any need for medications to regulate any condition there would be no need for the company to access the drivers medical records?

What do they mean by IF required?? What would necessitate such a review of my medical records?

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Sep 06, 2013
IF means NEW
by: Anonymous

if they may need your medical records for any reason they would like to have access. If you dont want to give up medical records it is your choice you do not have to legally, however if it is part of company policy and you signed their policy before you were hired and they are now asking for it then you are subject to that policy. If you still dont want to give up medical records consent then you could lose your job. Now if you do have a disablity and it is noticed after you are working they are not allowed to discriminate against you. However, if the disabilty could endanger the public by driving on the road, lets say...they would have to pull you off the road. Thats just the way it is.

Companies are allowed to change policy and they usually keep employees updated to changes in policy. They are the company and can change it to benefit them, not necessarily the employee. If you like your job and you have nothing to hide just let them have it, you could lose your job over it. They can also report you to DMV which has a national medical database for those who are not allowed to drive under certain conditions. Maybe drive a normal car but not a big rig...I hope you get my point. good luck

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