
by Steve
(Olney, IL USA)

My Name's Steven. I was raised by the State after being putting up for adoption when I was 8. Having been raised in such an environment, I took on the persona of a tough guy, and wasted sooo many years of my life that it is unreal.

Unbelievable, to more precise.
Finally, after an encounter with Christ in '88; my heart was changed and I began the life long lesson of "Learning how to do good". Unfortunately even then I made mistakes and bad choices that have really hurt my pursuit of meaningful and gainful employment.

Mistakes like, allowing my feelings to take over and get insubordinate with employers, foremen, coworkers, etc. Which hurt me when employers review my employment history and see that in the last 10 years, I have had about 15 jobs; only one of which lasted over 4 years.

Another mistake I made was not realizing that my residential history makes a lot of difference in the fact that it shows instability.

The Companies I have spoken with seem to view the cup 1/2 empty. And I really can not blame them. A lot of responsibility is on their shoulders.

However, I am a cup 1/2 full individual; and see that irregardless of their choice, I know where I am at today and where I was.... Which is a vast difference. So I'm plugging on, hoping to find a career in the Driving Profession. Hence the reason for this "story".

I am hoping that SOMEONE out there will read this; recognize that, while I may not be their first choice, I'm still an individual who is striving to succeed. And, at the very least, give me a call; talk with me, and perhaps recognize true grit and determination.

Not to mention integrity, honesty, and maturity.

Yes, I have made mistakes. A lot of them. But I am learning... EVERY DAY. And what I am learning has made me a real asset to a Company willing to give a knuckle-head a chance. Because I am NOT a lost cause!
Thank you;
Steve O.

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Oct 03, 2012
Reply to '3515' NEW
by: Steve

>Anonymous: Will call you shortly.

Oct 02, 2012
your chance maybe here NEW
by: Anonymous

Give me a call Steve so we may talk.3348923517 I have alrealready helped a few guys like you and me or worse.

Oct 02, 2012
your chance maybe here NEW
by: Anonymous

Give me a call Steve so we may talk.3348923517 I have alrealready helped a few guys like you and me or worse.

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