Us Xpress Review

I will give US Express a 7 just to be fair. Honestly I never had any issues working for them fresh out of school came on. I went thru 4 trainers. They do have gone every night positions and dedicated depending on your location. I work for the dollar general account almost a year now it's cool and all but the unloading isn't fun.

Also I notice I haven't been making my usual pay. The staff is nice and work with your emergencies etc. Also you will get a $7500 bonus when you get it they will start cutting your back on miles.

These are the issues I'm dealing with now for the most part this company has been honest with me since day one even the recruiter.

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Jun 22, 2018
LP program at usx NEW
by: popcorn

Excellent program with a lot to offer. They are actually selling trucks and not renting them like most companies. I've seen a lot of those trucks on the road lately they all say LP on the hood so pretty easy to spot. after talking to two of those guys the other nuight in rising fawn and both had a lot of positive to say about the program and the people.

Oct 10, 2017
New LP program details NEW
by: Lone Star Friendly

Did anyone else know that USX just started a new LP program with sale trucks, not rentals?? I talked to one of their guys and seemed very happy with the program so I want to know more. This is a lot different than the program they had a couple of years ago with new terms and new pay scale. Any company that does a walkaway and no balloon payment I want to know more about. Thank you for any comments about the new program..!

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