Using Car GPS in a truck bad?

by Johny

Hello! I found that a friend of mine has installed a car GPS in his truck. I have read that it is not a recommended practice and in fact dangerous. How true is that? How much difference is there between a car GPS and a truck GPS? I have tried to convince him to buy a fleet tracking GPS from a nearby store named Eaglei GPS, . But he is not interested in it. How can I convince him?

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Mar 07, 2017
Get the right tools for your profession NEW
by: Sully01

I started a trucking back in '86 and one thing I always tell new comers into the trade, which seems like it would be common sense with the younger truckers, USE TECH. Our industry is slow to change. If you were to look at trucker life in a vacuum and asked to point to what year it is, I'd imagine there would a large margin of error. Download trucker specific apps to make the day to day easier and if you plan on ever owning your own rig for god's sake get tracking software for your trailer's assets. You would be surprised, or wont if it's happened to you, at how many truckers lose their cargo and with all the technology and magic around us has no idea where their half million dollar worth of haul has gone. There are plenty resources out there jus look around. I personally use I know a few other truckers use Hope this helps.

Jun 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Guess he will find out the hard way.

Jun 23, 2016
Using a car GPS in a big truck
by: Hervy

Johnny, tell him to check out the page at the bottom of this post. It explains why not use a car GPS and why you need to be careful of all GPS. Or you can send him directly to this post.

If he can't understand this he shouldn't even be driving. It's simple.

A truck is taller than a car and heavier. If he is a driver, he should not that there are roads that a truck shouldn't be on.

That means using a GPS designed for a car inside a truck could give you routes that trucks shouldn't be on.

Tell him that is why they make GPS specifically for big trucks. Send him to this page.

Truckers using GPS navigation

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