Using the clutch in stop and go traffic

Newer driver in industry, and my issue may be the truck not me however unlikely.

Local driver. Stop and go traffic tips when you can't just idle along and or emergency stops is about the only trouble I have. Some tips on clutch use and what's best for the gear would be great.

For example you're in first or second gear, what's the best way to dead stop? Clutch pedal in or go for neutral? And would it be best leave it in gear and hold the clutch brake or go to neutral for 30 seconds and then go back in gear during a traffic pause or say a light?

No issues with using clutch brake to get in gear however do you continue to hold it there?

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Jul 04, 2017
Clutch or nuetral and brake?
by: Hervy

If you are in that low of a gear i would just take it out of gear and stop. It really depends on how much/often the traffic is moving.

What i wouldnt do is use the friction point of clutch as a brake though. That would excessive wear the clutch.

Whether u use clutch and hold brake or take it out of gear and use the brake until time to move again is really driver choice.

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