Want a company sponsored trucking job

by Miriam R James

30 years ago, at the age of 19 my boyfriend suggested I take a ride with him and his best and his friends girlfriend. And I been paying for that ride every since.

I am a girl scout and do good deeds everyday. I would like an opportunity to make money the right way. And sick and tired of public assistance and all of the shenanigans behind it.

I live at poverty level and my rent is paid through section 8. I raised 2 children, who are law abiding and I am blessed. But penniless...please have mercy. Sponsor me, take me under your wings, show me the ropes. I will not disappoint!

Company sponsored CDL training

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Aug 21, 2014
Company sponsored program might be right for you
by: Anonymous

Are you looking to go to a local school to learn, or are you looking for a company to train you thru Thier paid training program, or are you looking to learn a slower pace in a drivers truck , getting permit first, then riding around and learning some and getting comfortable at a slower pace then the school way?

I think the best way is thru the company paid training, although there are some that do get fed up and fail that way.

But in any industry there are those that aren't good performers or those that don't qualify.

Years ago, a lot of drivers learned the ropes via a family member or friend, by simply being around farming equipment or trailers and stuff.

Either way good luck to you.

Yitz. 347 948 9411.

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