Want to do driveaway jobs but need a CDL in Ohio

by Laura
(Cleveland, OH, USA)

Cleveland, OH - My goal is to drive cars, RVs, trucks, etc. in a driveaway or transport vehicle job. I don't have the money to pay for a truck driving school or community college and also fear age discrimination (58). Also hoping to pass the DOT physical.

The driveaway companies want recent job referrals and several miles of CDL driving (50,000). I don't have either so I have to then turn to the truck driving school route. My only option would be to trust a trucking company-sponsored CDL training and then be stuck having to trust a trainer on the road alone.

I prefer to be alone than to be with a stranger or guy.

I know how to drive a stick and understand the double clutch instead of the single clutch but need some practice. I'm studying for the CPL temporary permit now.

Ideally, it would be great if there was a local truck driver, preferably female, that would be okay with getting to know each other enough to maybe later be able to either team up or work out a way for me to pay her to mentor me for the Ohio CDL driving part of the test.

This is just an introduction to an idea. Not sure if anyone out there will be available or care. I just want to stay away from bad situations and help each other.

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Jul 03, 2019
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by: Laura

As usual I know I'm alone and have to take high risks again with a new stranger somewhere but I'm used to that. I don't have any income and trying to see what I can from online. I have a college education but that didn't work out so will keep studying and trying to figure out what to do.

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