Want to start driving a truck. Would like help.

by Olivia A Parker
(Calhoun GA Gordon cty)

Hey there I'm Olivia, located in Calhoun GA 34yrs old. I've always wanted to drive but never had enough nerve until now.

I'm in the process of obtaining my cdl for a school bus in July. I do my training to have that but I really want to drive a big truck.

I just need a chance to learn is there anyway you can help me out.

Thanks for your time,

Olivia Parker

Please contact me seven zero six - 844-3821 or email oparker313@gmail.com

Response: Don't really know what you are asking? Can you ask a specific question.

Glad you have overcome your hesitation to go forward. A school bus license will only get you a Class B though. YOu need A for a truck.

Several ways to get your CDL A including just studying the book and getting your permit, then seeing if there is a truck that you can rent in order to take the driving test.

Check with workforce to see if there are programs that will pay for going to truck driver training if that what you are talking about.

If you are looking for a trucking job go to nearest truck stop and get a trucking job book or find trucking companies on this site or anywhere on the internet under a trucking job search.

Here is a good page to read. Here you can learn about school options, find a job, etc
learn about trucking

If I did not cover your question, please ask a specific question.

Best wishes, thanks Olivia

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