was found guilty of reckless driving general, but its not on my license should i reveal this to a prospective employer?

by Annie

currently employed and on workmans comp was charged with and found guilty of a reckless driving charge general.

Was unable to make court date due to injuries. submitted a testimony and docs note to court. but they had the hearing anyway and i was found guilty and paid my fine of 81.00 plus the 100.00 in court fees. I hit the car in the rear because he had stopped on the interstate, no way could i avoid the car, i was only one hurt but both the car and the truck and trailer and contents of both burned.

I am a company driver, i'm pretty sure once they release me to go back to work i'm out of a job. so i'm trying to find a new one.

Do i tell the prospective employer that i had this accident and was charged and found guilty?t

Its not on my license or DAC record. should i say anything?

Comments for was found guilty of reckless driving general, but its not on my license should i reveal this to a prospective employer?

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Feb 13, 2011
should you lie about your driving record when you fill out applications
by: Hervy

Annie, more than likely the accident will be on your DAC report by the time you are off Workman compensation.

Besides that, if you get hired it will come out eventually and then your likely to be fired and that will also be put on your DAC report probably along with an non rehireable.

If I were you I would just be truthful about it and try to explain what happened. Especially if other than that you had a clean record.

Good luck, keep your eyes open, let us know what happens.


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