Was thinking about buying a truck I can pay cash for it . If I worked 5 days a week is it worth it in today's high gas rate would like to no no how much do you make after everything thanks

by Tanner

How much after taxes do you make in a week seeing if I'll make more money than I do now

Comments for Was thinking about buying a truck I can pay cash for it . If I worked 5 days a week is it worth it in today's high gas rate would like to no no how much do you make after everything thanks

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Oct 30, 2024
If you go to truck driving school will be between $550 and $900 starting
by: Hervy

You need to figure out which company you are going with to determine that. The starting pat spectrum is wide.

You could use my https://truckingjobsgpt.com to help with this when its done. Sign up now to be notified.

But for now you can use a site like indeed. Put in the location you want to be home base and search for truck driving jobs for new CDL.

Even better would be calling your local training facility if that's the route you're going to take.

Ask them what trucking companies recruiter come there from.

Then look up those trucking companies specifically for their yearly salary, divide by 12 for monthly average and 52 for weekly average. Compare that to what you currently make.

Also if you google those companies, competing company will likely advertise against those names. So that when people search for those companies' similar company show up in search results.

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