Was thinking about buying a truck I can pay cash for it . If I worked 5 days a week is it worth it in today's high gas rate would like to no no how much do you make after everything thanks

by Tanner

How much after taxes do you make in a week seeing if I'll make more money than I do now

Comments for Was thinking about buying a truck I can pay cash for it . If I worked 5 days a week is it worth it in today's high gas rate would like to no no how much do you make after everything thanks

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Nov 13, 2024
How much $$$ ? NEW
by: Jimmy

Are you a current CDL holder ? Or someone considering the industry ? Trucking is a big commitment. Especially if you are an owner. Expenses, lots of expenses. Even if the truck is sitting in your driveway. You have to commit to working daily, not 5 days per week. Consider it a marriage, between you and YOUR truck. Drive it, clean it, work it etc.

There's the driving part and the business part. Some guys can drive but can't run a business. And vice-versa. Luck to ya' Jimmy

Oct 30, 2024
I just answered your question in another post
by: Hervy

If you're going to pay cash and you'll have $20,000 after that on the side, you might be able to survive until rates come back up.

Personally, I wouldn't buy it right now. I would wait until March. End of winter just before spring.

Check to see if rates are up any.

Right now, its very ugly. Probably $500 after taxes if you run hard. That's not worth it.

If there are breakdowns, you will not be profitable.

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