Webcam on the Road

by Linda

My ex is a trucker and is gone for 2 weeks at a time. He would like to start using the webcam with our 5 year old daughter. I am not comfortable with that because he generally does not think about her safety. I do not want her picture to go out all over the nation. He always takes the attitude that "nothing is going to happen to her." Has anybody out there used a webcam on the road? I know in a safe environment it could be a good thing, but again, I am not sure he would not expose her to strangers on the road and then tell where we live. I have reason to be concerned because of past incidents but wanted some input from the trucking world.

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Mar 07, 2009
trucking with a webcam
by: Hervy

Hi Linda,

Webcams really don't pose that much of a problem. Can they be compromised sure but I don't see someone going to the trouble unless the webcam is used in association with a website for adult or child pornography.

Sounds like you have more of an issue with your ex that needs to be discussed and resolved. If your saying that he has judgment so poor that he would actually give out your personal information or post your child's picture where they shouldn't be then I would say not to do it.

Although, it takes a very reckless and immature man to have to worry about something like that. Seems very careless, irresponsible, (hah, the list goes on). Of course you know your ex and I don't!

Sounds like there is some history of that type of behavior. You are the only one who can properly judge how to handle this situation.

The web cam is not a problem, in fact it is a useful means of communication for a family.

Feb 23, 2009
Linda and a web cam.
by: Jimmy

Hey Linda, not sure how to answer your question. You're wondering if a web cam communication could be "hacked". Honestly don't know, but remember, your daughter is subjected to life in general, just by being out in public at the store or kindergarten or anywhere. Ask a computer "geek" this question for the correct answer. Hope this helps. Jimmy

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