Week One at MTC Training.

by Rusty Martin Jr
(Sugar Grove, Pa)

Howdy everyone. It's Rusty again, writing this time from sunny(not today though...LOL) St.Louis Missouri. I have been here at MTC's training facility for a whole week now and I've got to say I'm doin pretty good.

Within the past week I have been in the classroom, passed my permit test(first try, high scores), drove on the road and worked in the maneuver yard. It was definitely a little intimidating at first for sure, but I am getting the hand of it.

The first time I actually hit the road, I was driving a Late Model Freightliner with a 53' Dry Van. I was just kinda driving around when my instructor tells me to go the third red light and make a right at the 370.

When he said that, I said to myself, "I hope this guy isn't sending me where I think he's sending me!" and sure enough I made that right and he says...CRANK IT UP DRIVER, JAM THEM GEARS AND GET HER TA 55. This guy actually put me on the interstate at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon. HMMM...smart??? I guess I did ok though, he kept telling me I did fine and that I only gave him a couple of extra grey hairs.LOL.

IDK it really is a totally different kinda feeling. What I found weird, was that when you look at a semi from the ground, you think, man how can I drive this thing, but when you get behind the wheel and actually get going, you don't even really realize your pulling 53' unless you look in your mirror. That is what I found to be really weird.

I found out where I am having a little trouble and it's probably one of the easiest freakin backing maneuvers there is, but I am having a little trouble nailing the offside alley dock. I'll figure it out though. No sweat. LOL. All together my thoughts on this school are pretty good. The instructors are knowledgeable and they are willing to help you with whatever you need help with.

Although there is one guy who seems as though he is really impatient when it comes to us newbies. There was one guy who was taking quite a bit of time on the blindside parallel(his first time of course) and this instructor kept standing there shaking his head like he expected him to just slide it in there with no problem.

This guy even got on me a little bit today when I was having problems with that offside alley dock. I was thinking in my head, "Ok, why is this guy even an instructor when he doesn't have the patience to help new drivers.

If he wants to instruct, let him instruct the ones who are about ready to graduate or the more experienced ones. Why put him with drivers who have no experience at all?

Oh well, every place has to have it's bad apples I guess. Anyway, so far I am really having a blast and also learning alot in the mean time and I can't wait for my graduation date of the 24th.

Hopefully by then one of the two companies that I was eligible for hire with will call me and be willing to give me a chance.

Anyone got any input on either Covenant or Trans Am? I have heard Covenant is a really good company to work for, but I really haven't heard too much as far as input on Trans Am. Any input on either of those two would really help me out in my decision making.

Thanks again for all your continued support, and I look forward to seeing some of you later on the the road. Take care and be safe out there. -Rusty-

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Nov 17, 2009
CDL School
by: Marty Leake

Hey keep everyone up to date on your progress, I'm planning on driving for Werner later next year. Let everyone know how the process is going.

Nov 17, 2009
Rusty's likin' it.
by: Jimmy

Whoa, whoa, whoa now, Pardner. Is the same Rusty who just a few weeks ago said no school would talk to him? So, what happened? Looks like you wouldn't take no for an answer and now you are on your way to trucking.

I remember when I was an instructor in Fontana, my students would be on the freeway their first hour of behind-the-wheel instruction. It was a great confidence booster.

For some reason, driving around town and driving on the freeway freaks a lot of students out.

Don't worry about instructors with a bad attitude. You know in your own heart that
you can do it and you will do it. You will need a thick skin in this business.

Find out who travels to your home state/town more before you choose a company to go with. Jimmy

Nov 17, 2009
MTC Training real reports from the field from Rusty
by: Hervy

Rusty thanks for that feedback on MTC training man.

LOL Hey it's good you hit the interstate on a Sunday in stead of a Friday for that first ride! Ha Ha.

I made the same strange observation with looking back at the trailer. I always got the urge to want to make sure the trailer is back there doing what it is supposed to do! It can actually become a distraction from the road if you let it.

Finally I figured out that if I was keeping it between the lines (my Dad always says that) in the front then the trailer was going to be alright. (I probably have OCD and don't know it)

Glad things are going along for ya.

Sounds like you have a real character out there...
but you seem to still have the right attitude about it. Keep your composure and don't let it get to ya. (something like dealing with a drill sergeant at basic training)

He probably needs to take a little time off burnt out. Your right, not reasonable to have any expectation of how quickly someone will catch to effective judging when starting out as a truck driver.

It's easy to get burned out though. (I think I need a week off right now myself!)

I heard that Covenant was a decent company also (and of course a few horror stories as would be expected).

Trans Am pretty much the same except I have spoke to less Trans Am drivers but with more extreme stories of both love for the company and hatred for the company. LOL Go figure.

Thanks for the feedback from the field man,its always good to get real time, in dept, accurate non bias, entertaining reporting.

We look forward for more updates when you get a chance.

Hold it down and keep doing it like ya doing it out there. Keep those other guys on the positive side with you Rusty.


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