weightlifting and diet while trucking

Hello all, I am really considering making a career change and becoming a trucker. I have been making good progress with my health by the diet I eat and lifting weights. I would hate to lose the gains I have made, so I am wondering if it is possible to bring along a good set of weights while working. I mean a bench press if I can fit it and at least a couple hundred pounds of weights, more like three hundred really. I imagine I could find space to work out while stopped. I know some guys bring along dumbbells and such to exercise, but I am hoping to do a little more than that. Thanks for any replies. ChinaBound

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Sep 27, 2009
Getting Exercise in the big truck
by: Hervy

Nov 05, 2008
Leaning regional
by: Chinabound

Hi Jenny & CT, thanks for responding. You both have given me something to think about. I am leaning more towards regional now, since I like the idea of being able to lift heavy on the weekends. Sorry CT, but dumbells can't replace a heavy bench or dead lift to me, they are still good exercise though.

I definitely believe you can get a good workout while trucking though. I'm still working towards my final goal, adding lean body mass all the time and I feel great.

I eat high protein, high fat, low carb and it really works for me.

I also take a multi-vitamin, potassium supplement and use whey protein to augment my intake. No sugar, starches or anything from a box or window. I do wonder if I can eat like this while trucking, but where there is a will, there is a way. Great to hear from both of you. Chinabound

Nov 03, 2008
Weightlifting and diet while trucking
by: The Crazy Trucker

What's up Chinabound,

Man you don't need a bench to get a good work out! lol

If you really want to take one though you will have enough room if you are going over the road. (Not necessarily a convenient place for it unless you have a double bunk but you CAN carry it).

The real problem may be if the company you go to will let you bring that much weight.

You can get all the lifting you need out of dumbells though. That's what I carry. (Though I been slacking lately)

Maybe you want to get with a company that you will have to unload the freight too. I haul furniture out we always unload. If you go with Werner or JB or Roses warehouse they all have jobs where you unload also.

Holla back if you got any more questions.

Oh by the way, I been 205 for 3 years now since I lost the weight I wanted to loose. Never dip below that or lost the size I gained in muscle, but I also drink a protein shake for extra proteins cause a lot of my meals are fruit or fiber cereal. As long as you get your nutrient and keep up a somewhat regular workout you wont loose anything.

Just don't start eating all those hot dogs at the truckstop!lol

Nov 02, 2008
by: Jennifer Schnittker


I hate to say, that there is truly no room in most company trucks for a weight bench. HOWEVER, if you can do it with OUT the bench--meaning taking the bar and the weights, you may find somewhere to put them in your truck.

Most company trucks are very small...sometimes just items that you must bring is hard to find. Another thing to consider is this. What type of driving are you looking at? if its regional, you can certainly find time on the week-end to do the heavier lifting etc.

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