Wendy "Zoe" Jones

by Zoe

Hi folks,

First we have only been married 2 years but been together 10. Thankfully we have no children at home (pls do not take the wrong way) as mine are all grown up.

My husband completed school and is on the road now 4 weeks. I am not crazy about his choice but after being unemployed for 17 months due to the economy something had to give.

He is enjoying this "new" experience but misses home dearly. He stopped by for 10 minutes one day while passing thru and didn't recognize the place even though nothing had changed!

Me, I am disabled by neurological diseases. I get around well and can take care of myself but right now due to a car that is broke down must rely on others for trips to the store. Big frown.

I know this is going to be a long hard ride for me, the wife back home. Also hard for my hubby out on the rode. During the first weeks out on the road we had alot of financial problems and other incidents to deal with but are getting better.

Hubby kept making the mistake of saying to me "There is nothing I can do about it from here"-instead of saying sorry your going thru this alone. I let him have it and hopefully that has stopped! I knew he couldn't do anything about it I just needed some support and someone to listen to me when it got really tough.

For me I have family nearby and my granddaughter is 5 and I see her alot. I try to keep busy by scrapbooking his journey (and mine), painting and with my addiction to hermit crabs! Before I became disabled I was extremenly independent so I will draw on that strength.

My first husband was in the military and then a cop so I am somewhat used to the loneliness. Although that was many years ago.

I honor all of the veteran wives out there who have been down the long road and are surviving. Those of us who are newbies have so much to learn from you.

I look forward to joining the chat.

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Jul 17, 2011
Zoe's response
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much. I appreciate any and all advice given. I can imagine your house must be chaotic right! Yes we are in this together. My hope is to be giving advice like you have given to me somewhere down the road to another newbie. It is and has been hard. Especially financially. But my husband is no longer under an instructor and is ready for the road just waiting for his partner to get to the main center. Some days are great some days are really hard. I must admit the nights are the easiest for me, unlike other people. I guess it is because of my meds and that I fall asleep very easy. Well good luck to you and I look forward to talking again and to everyone else.

Jul 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Welcome...and you are in good company. It does get easier as time goes by,.....or maybe you just kinda get used to the separation. My DH leaves tomorrow for orientation. He's going back OTR after not driving for almost 4 years...so I will have to also get used to this again. We can commiserate together. My kids are grown, too...but they are all here for a week starting today so the house is chaotic with my hubby leaving tomorrow, 4 toddlers blissfully asleep right now and 3 grown adults running around packing lunches for Girl Scout Day Camp tomorrow (that's why they are here)

The economy is one of the driving forces for my hubby to go back OTR. That, and health reasons on my part. If everything works out the way we hope, though, this will be for the better in the long run. The separation is a killer at times, but just know you are not alone in this journey. He's proabably pretty lonely out there for days and weeks at a time too.

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