west coast trucking

by Kevin
(Stockton CA)

Hello all Im thinking of driving and was wondering what I could expect to make. Ive been thinking of running the High 5 corridor. And what are the prospects or should I say can I make a descent living just running the west coast

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Oct 09, 2009
West Coast Trucking is not for me.
by: Hervy

Well Jimmy I never did strictly West Coast trucking and though it is beautiful scenery (been there a couple of times only)don't sound like it would be my cup of tea!

Thanks for that insight.

Hey Kev you think you still want to do it?

Sounds like you really have to have a lot of patience but there highways out there are full of happy Cali drivers, :-)

Good Luck,

Oct 09, 2009
Kevin from Stockton.
by: Jimmy

There is freight along the I-5 corridor. San Diego to Seattle. Oregon down to L.A. is popular. But, me personally, I never liked I-5 because it is a slow go from Redding north to Salem and Ca/Or are 55 mph states.

Then there is the winter conditions also. (Chaining up). Then once you're in Or., you have congestion up the ying-yang. Or. is also anti-truck. Or, you could run Sacto/E.Bay to S.Ca,

but know this, It is almost always overnight stuff, unload in the AM, hang around all day, then reload late in the day and deliver early the next day to the other end.

Pay is so-so. Jimmy

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