What a huge lie did to change our lives forever

by Lydia
(, Tx USA)

My husband and I have been married for 23 yrs. we have three grown kids and two young grand kids. We lived in South Tx and moved up north for a better future after we had the first two kids. A yr later, my husband got a job as a truck driver over the road.

My husband started acting distant, giving me the "I'm too tired cold shoulder", avoiding questions, etc. one day I decided that I wanted to move back south. While my husband continued to drive for the same company. He would be gone for two to three wks at a time saying he got laid over or couldn't get loads coming back down to be home with me & our kids.

I noticed his behavior changed towards me but couldn't pinpoint it. That is until one day that I needed to make a car payment & he had the address to the person who we bought the car from. My husbands name is Larry and went by the truck handle "Crazy Larry". He told me to get the address I needed from his little black book, which I did not know he had.

As I opened that book, it came to this girls information. Her name I believe was Carol and went with the truck handle "Blue Angel". I confronted him about it and the lies started. After many questions he decided to tell me how he met her at a truck stop in Mobile, Alabama while at the pumps filling up the truck with diesel.

They went inside the TA truck stop and had dinner together while talking. He lied so many cruel lies about me just so he could get into her pants and its probably safe to say that she lied to him too. He said she had kids too & told him how she was in an abusive relationship. He told her that I cheated on him, that we were separated, going thru a divorce and I was taking the kids from him and not let him see them. He said he told her that he would take care of her and her kids and generously gave her $300 to spend in herself or wherever she saw fit bc he wanted to impress her with money.

He pd for their meal & took her to our truck where they had sex and then they went to her truck where they had sex again. Then they left to Lafayette LA where they had sex again in our truck and he said he did had anal sex with her. He said that pissed her off and she cussed him out, gathered her clothes and left our truck never to be seen or heard from again.

Little did I know what was going on with him let alone the thing that started it all--a huge lie from my oldest sister-in-law. He never asked me if it was true or confronted me about it or asked for proof of my alleged affair.

After that he started having sex with Lot Lizards bc he said it was easy and needed to release. I couldn't give him any bc he was hardly ever home to get any. Yes he was lonely and bored & had to meet his needs so he paid for it.

I just found out about his cheating, lies, deception after 23 yrs of being faithful to my husband. He said the guilt was too much to carry and just couldn't continue to lie to me after having sex with over 195 prostitutes and having paid out over $15,000 dollars while my kids & I went thru evictions, utilities turned off, no groceries in our refrigerator, telling the kids no bc their dad didn't make enough money in the paychecks.

He said he was sorry and was just having sex but made the hugest mistake of his life by not talking to me or trusting in me. He was afraid of talking to me but said there were no consequences in paying for the lot lizards bc he just did it to release his rocks. I have never cheated on my husband and never been in any kind of situation that would compromise my marriage but this is what a lie did to my marriage.

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Dec 15, 2014
make sure NEW
by: Anonymous

make sure you get tested for every std out there!! 195 prostitutes you are bound to have caught some kind of VD!! stop sleeping with him he has a nasty habit and if you stay with a dirty, filthy, cheating, lying, and downright nasty person you are asking for harm to come your way. maybe physically, emotionally, mentally, or health problems. good luck.

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