what are the pros and cons to leasing a truck?

by robert
(colorado springs, CO USA)

i have completed training through Stevens trucking company and am now eligible for their Alliance lease program. I have heard both good and bad things about leasing and am curious as to what other truckers have to say.

thank you.

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Dec 29, 2022
Find the Pros and Cons of Leasing
by: The Crazy Trucker

You're right there is good and bad. So you look at both sides and see which is relevant to your situation.

For example leasing you can write off the total amount of payments as expenses.

You generally need less up front to get in a truck.

Depending on the lease terms you might not be liable for the maintenance expenses.

But at the end you don't have equipment unless you renew. But maybe you plan on saving to buy.

Having said that, right now is not the best time to lease because rates are so low.

Yet another thing to consider.

Go to this page to get more insight and weigh the pro's and con's

pros and cons of leasing a truck

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