What companies are hiring felons in california? Just finished up trucking school and trying to find a job but you have to have experience. can some one help please.

by chris
(los angeles, ca)

just finished up cdl school and need some job assistance. Every place is looking for experienced drivers.

Comments for What companies are hiring felons in california? Just finished up trucking school and trying to find a job but you have to have experience. can some one help please.

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Jan 04, 2012

This is all about keeping everyone unemployed and on the street! I have over 20 years of truck driving experience and can't get a job because the US GOVERNMENT BELIEVES FELONS ARE MURDERS AND RAPISTS AND DRUG DEALERS!!!!

You are totally wrong I can't even vote or use my honorable discharge because the US GOVERNMENT HAS ME LISTED AS A FUCKING FELON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did my crime did the time paid the fine and now I have to wait another 7 years TO GET EMPLOYMENT!F YOU UNCLE SAM!!!! The CORRUPT GOVERNMENT is the problem!

All I want is to get a shot at getting a job. my experience is unmatched but ACCORDING TO UNCLE TOM on capitol hill NO FELON DESERVES A JOB!!!!!!!!!!

I am sick of the PREJUDICE ON CAPITOL HILL AND THE 1%!!!! They are the problem not us!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 02, 2010
Companies that hire felons
by: Anonymous

I was faced with the same problem a few years ago and i found the best way is to get a list of companies off the internet and go down the list and call each one . most will tell you no but there are some out there that will depending on what the felony is for .

Jul 02, 2010
Companies that hire felons
by: Tony Hinrichs

There is a company in Fresno CA called Smartway they used to be called Royal Express they will hire you if you have felonies they run 11 western if you don't find them in Fresno then try Phx AZ, they may have moved their home office there, but they have terminals all over CA. infotrucker.com

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