What companies do follicle testing?

What companies do follicle testing?

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May 24, 2017
Why? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hair follicles can be beat to, I'm not gonna put out there how, but the information is out there if you look for it.

Jan 18, 2013
hair folical testing NEW
by: Anonymous

i now that current users shouldnt drive but i have been clean for months and want a new lease on life. trucking has always been my dream job for years. my family looked down on me for wanting to drive a truck. but im 27 with a kid and want a career under my belt. i dont care what anyone thinks at this point. im not bi. i jus know this is right for us and im wont stop till i get on the road.

Oct 20, 2012
Testing: NEW
by: Jeff

Your question is not new to this website, all I can say; if you are worried about testing dirty, then don't apply. If you are clean; then what does it matter what type of testing a company does. Know this, Follicle testing can detect drug use anywhere from three to six months back, depending on how heavily you use. Remember; Jesus died for you because Jesus Loves you.

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