What companies hire felons that need some training?

by AL
(Athol, MA)

I have a felony that won't be five years old until 4/25/2013. I've spoken to several companies and they all tell me the same thing, "your felony has to be five years old, and you will need six to twelve months experience before we can work with you". So what can I do to land a trucking job if no one will work with me because of DOT or the companies insurance?

I have no DWI's, and no drug charges. My felony was a weapons charge, just possession nothing more. What can I do??


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Feb 20, 2011
get your felony reduced to a lesser charge
by: Anonymous

see if you can hire a lawyer and get it reduced to a lesser charge or exsponged off your record or at least reduced to a misdemeanor

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