What companies will hire me with a hit-skip on my MVR?

by Sean Kavick
(Cleveland, Ohio)

I have a hit-skip on my MVR from 2009 that will be dropped in a couple of weeks. However, the suspension that came along with the accident doesn't come off till 05/09. Will any companies hire me before these get dropped off? Or will I have to wait the couple months to start driving?

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Feb 21, 2012
Hit Skip or Hit and Run and trucking NEW
by: Hervy


That is not a good thing for your record, which I am sure you know.

You may have a hard time getting hired at a trucking company. If you get an interview at one, or when you put in an application, be sure you explain why you left the scene.

Whether you were scared out of your mind and panic or whatever the case was. It is important for them to know that you know it was a mistake and it is not representative of you are now. After all it was 3 years ago. We all make mistakes, learn, mature and grow.

If you have no clue as to why I said what I did in the previous paragraph, it's a bad sign. lol. (not funny though, really)

A trucking company will want to hire a considerate and responsible driver. Just as if it were your company, who would you want to hire? So I will just say that. Keep it in mind when you interview and fill out apps.

All I can say is keep trying man. I don't think it will keep you from ultimately finding a trucking job, but you might have to look harder than others and use alternative methods.

Try some of the advice here too.
Finding local trucking jobs

Good luck. Keep your head up. Let us know how it turns out.

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