What do I pack to go out with my trucker over the road for a few weeks?


Hi, I am going out with my trucker for a couple of weeks and need to know what to pack.

My trucker said i only need two pair of shoes. What kind of shoes?

He said jeans, how many pairs? He said a jacket, do i pack one or two light and heavy?

Can i bring my hair care items (curling iron etc)do i use a duffle bag or suit case? Should i bring a book with me or will he think I’m bored?

He also said I’m going to cook, he has a fridge, crock pot, and a fry pan. Do i cook while he drives or wait until we stop? What do i cook?

Any info you can give will be very welcomed


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Dec 12, 2011
what to pack when you go out over the road with trucker
by: Hervy

Anon gave a read good run down on with what she is bringing and why. Great job! (Read the comment below mine)

here is a page that also lists some items mentioned. some of these things are obviously for the trucker himself when he first goes out but you will automatically know that.

list of items to take on the road


Dec 08, 2011
My Perspective
by: Anonymous

I'm leaving on Sunday to do the same thing. I'm bringing jeans (5), 6-7 days of clean underwear and socks, about 3 t-shirts and 2 sweatshirts (after all it's winter time now), a thin jacket and a heavy coat that I will throw on the upper bunk most of the time. It's there for just in case times that it might be needed (helping him chain, etc.) Gloves are in the pockets. I find that quite often I can wear the same jeans for 2 days in a row because alll I am doing is riding in the truck. For shoes I am only bringing one pair and some sturdy slippers with hard soles. I'll wear the slippers in the truck and when I run in at rest stops or other places to use the facilities. If it is wet or snowy I will use the shoes. Since I am a passenger and not a driver, the slippers will suffice nicely. I'll have a book to read as well. Toiletries will all fit into a little bag I take into the shower with me. Shampoo, soap, deodorant, brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, little make-up bag with foundation, blush, and lipstick.

If time allows I will dry my hair in the shower before leaving, but quite often it doesn't so I'll be lady with the wet hair dashing out to the truck in the cold. I can work on drying it as he drives down the road. The best thing I can say is to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) AS for a curling iron...I have a portable one that runs on butane, but I have found I never use it and it takes up needed space. Wear your hair as simply as possible. If he really cares about you, just being there and smelling clean will be wonderful.

I will be cooking. But Breakfast is usually just coffee, cold cereal and fruit. I will fix sandwiches for lunch as he drives, and get all the drinks from the frig and any other snacks like a granola bar to go with the sandwiches. I'll start supper in the lunch box oven or the crockpot a few hours before we plan to eat. On occasion I have been known to feed him as we drive...but that was when we were pressed for time and had absolutely no time to stop and eat the food. It's not easy, but my husband is a diabetic and his blood sugar goes crazy if he doesn't stick to a fairly regular schedule. I try to make things that fit into a large bowl that we use for cereal and dinner. Not glamorous, but way cheaper than T.S. food. And lots less to clean. We keep 2 deep bowls, 2 melmac plates, 2 forks, 2 spoons and 2 knives for our meals. We also have a cutting board, sharp knife, can opener, mixing bowl, large spoon and measuring cup for cooking. If we can't make a meal using that stuff, then we don't eat it.

Good luck! I always seem to pack too much. Remember, you can do laundry at the truck stops. I have done laundry while my husband slept when we were really short on time and all we had was the 10 hour. We always make sure the driver gets his rest, because I can sleep while he drives the next day if I stay up to do laundry or something. Enjoy your time OTR and getting to see his side of life.

Dec 08, 2011
my trucker
by: Dennis Shipman

Pack light: a few pair of jeans, plenty of undergrments, sock, ex cetera ought to do it. No one would ever advise you to cook while driving. Beyond being dangerous, it would also be a major distraction. I would just enjoy the ride, but if you suspect it may be boring staring at long stretches of farmland, a good book would easily fill the void. Best of luck. 10-4?

Dec 08, 2011
You need a packing list
by: Vicki Simons

Hi, Joanne,

We address this on our site:

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

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