What do truckers do after they are done driving for the day?

by Sue
(Fond du Lac, WI)

I am just interested in knowing what an OTR trucker does after hours. You can't exactly drive into town with a semi to see a movie. What do you guys do?

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Dec 01, 2015
movie night
by: Anonymous

Try to park in the back of any theater...the time to certainly take advantage is when you are bobtailing, i.e., tractor only :-)

Mar 12, 2010
Boring sometimes.
by: Jimmy

If you drive 600 miles in a day, you are ready to rest. Minimal paperwork, eating, getting on line, watching TV and bamm, you are out.

Some malls have truck parking. Observe where you can park a truck as you approach your destination for the day. Staring through the windshield is lots of fun too! Jimmy

Mar 10, 2010
A Ton of things to do over the road
by: Anonymous

Let me just start off by saying there never is a dull min out there on the road. We stop at the truck stop and wash laundry, take showers, clean out are truck.

If we are by a Wal-Mart or a Target we stop there and do a little bit of shopping to get are needs like shampoo, laundry soap, and food. Some of us have TVs with a DVD player in them so we watch movies in are truck.

We also eat at truck stops so we talk with other truckers shoot the shit(Talking). We also work around the clock dealing with paper work, loads times, stuff going on with are truck and trailers.

You also know we need time to sleep so we are to take a ten hour sleeper booth break. We don't always get time to sleep but we try to most of the time.

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