What does it mean when semi truck driver gives you the thumbs down when driving in the other lane next to him?

by Zona
(Lincoln, Nebraska)

What does it mean when a semi truck driver gives you the thumbs down when driving next to him in the other lane?

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Jul 01, 2013
no zone NEW
by: old timer

ever heard of the no zone?this means it took you to long to pass the semi never ever drive next to trucks,bad things can happen,blown tire,sudden lane change,road debris can get thrown thru windshield.we travel in right lane so you may pass so don't take your time doing it.thumbs down means your not PAYING ATTENTION! hope this helps.

Jun 25, 2013
by: Mike Loshe

I have worked for a Fleet Leasing company for the past ten years and have never heard of that! Anyone have any ideas?

Jun 21, 2013
when given a thumbs down NEW
by: Hervy

Zona, we don't have a set in stone universal intended message when doing a thumbs down gesture. I don't ever remember doing that.

However as with all gestures, comments and otherwise harmless intents, it is your responsibility to not take it personally.

Unless you are guilty of doing something that warrants the gestures, comments, etc., you might consider your response to be either 1 of 3 choices... (at least that's how I tend to do it:-)

1. This person doesn't know what he/she is talking about

2. This person must be talking to someone else or think I am someone else

3. Maybe to that person, what he/she is doing, saying has a different meaning than what I assume

With three generic responses, you don't waist any more of your precious time trying to figure other people out. Especially negativity.

This frees your mind up to focus on other more important and beneficial things that will actually help you move forward in life.

Hope that helps.

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