What does it mean when you are asked what lane you are traveling in?

by De'Borah
(Shreveport, LA)

A broker asked what lane we were going to be in what does he mean by this?

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Mar 11, 2012
I 40?
by: Anonymous

Why not just ask what route your running instead of what lane and what difference does it make to a broker what lane or route your running unless it's a permit or hazmat. You have to go north of Phoenix to get to 140 which is about 150 miles.

Jan 20, 2012
What lane, driver ?

The highway you take from pick-up to delivery is a "lane". For instance, you pick up in Houston and deliver in Phoenix. Your lane is I-10. However, you're close enough to I-40 to use it also.( to get out of Phoenix.)

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