What does the average route driver make per year?

a class a cdl route driver like for a budweiser route. what would their pay per year be

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May 14, 2011
average salary...well...depends...
by: Anonymous

....on who you work for and it's job specific. i am now a route supervisor but i work for a a-b wholesaler where i was a route driver doing everything from bars to c-stores and supermarkets.
best year was 03 when i driver sold my route and made 43000 on 126000 cases sold. we went to pre sell (salesmen sold, driver delivered) and volume jumped to 170000 and since then i haven't made more than 42000. pay is based on partial salary partial commission which is ridiculous considering that you as a driver have no control over what your salesman sells; therefore if he's an idiot, you suffer for his stupidity. hope this helps.

Mar 20, 2011
How much $$$$, honey?
by: Jimmy

From the plant to the distributor is outside trucks. Employed by the distributor and delivering with company equipment, you're hourly. Varies with areas of the Country. About $13 an hour, average, with OT available. This is the delivery guy that does convienence stores and restaurants. The guy that does pallatized loads to grocery stores, maybe more. Jimmy

Mar 20, 2011
by: american trucker

depends on who you work for.beer companies are outside contracts your not employed by beer company.
last year i made 87,000.

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