What expenses can a trucker deduct?

by Nikki
(Converse Tx)

We are curious to know what expenses can be deducted. My husband is planning to rarely use a hotel and has been purchasing most food from Walmart or the local grocery. Can those reciepts be saved and deducted? Any other deductions we may be missing?

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Mar 10, 2009
by: Jimmy

I'll give you a broad view of deductions. Anything you purchase pertaining to the necessary operation of the truck is deductible. All expenses, such as motel, work gloves, flashlights, work boots, maps, cell phone, fax, showers, just to name a few. O/O can deduct anything for the truck that was purchased: fuel, insurance, fees, registration, tires, maintainence, etc.

Food is allowed at $52 per day, or 80 per cent of that. Not quite sure. No receipts needed, but need to be able to prove driver was out overnight.Log books are accepted for that.

One suggestion, go to Jackson/Hewitt tax preparers, and pay the fee (around $100) for company driver and they will get all that's coming to you. They know trucking. They have a computer file for doing trucker taxes. Jimmy

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