what happens if you go over the 70hr rule ina 8 dayperiod

i want to know what happens to a driver if he get caught being over on the 70 hrs in an 8 day period, such as if he know 4 days in a row he keep going over the 70 hr rule, but he is legal every where else thanks,

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Jan 17, 2009
dont get in trouble
by: Anonymous

I have a friend that makes a lot of money. the truck never stops moving he drives 14-16 hours a day 6-7 days a week, he has two log books one for him and one for dmv not quit sure how he fills it out but in 6 years hes never been caught.
This is the same guy that leased a truck and made the down payment and stayed gone thats where he figered out how to smuge the log books. I'll ask how he dose it and repley back. By the way they got the truck after 3.5 yaers 900,000 miles.

Jan 02, 2009
log book violation the 70 hour rule
by: thecrazytrucker

Well, that depends on your company.

some companies will write you up and that's pretty much the end of it at the company.

Now if the DOT catches it, that's a different story all together, could cost you hundreds, depending on the state your in. Plus you will get shut down for at least 34 hours before you will be able to move.

If you end up in an accident and your logbook is like that, you will be found at fault cause they will say that you are not supposed to be where you were to be in the accident. That situation is one the problems that causes stress on the road to drivers wanting to stay legal and the company doesn't have freight to make it possible.

Of course the other reason that happens is because we get greedy and don't want to turn down a load (ooh oh)!

I got shut down once in St. Louis, Mo doing that (being greedy, hey i needed the money) once. I got shut down at the scale all day and fined $200 (if I remember correctly, been a while now)and so much for the extra money.

It's best not to run over like that. Take a quick 34 hour break if you can and then hit it hard again.

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