What if I violate rider policy

It's summer time and I want my financee and five year old daughter along with me what will be my consequences if I decided to violate company policy by bringing my daughter along.

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May 09, 2017
an additional problem
by: Jimmy

Occasionally you will be told to pick up a driver who is broke down or needs a ride by your dispatcher. Obviously your situation wouldn't work if that happened. Or you are routed thru a terminal for service. Try explaining your family on board to mgmt.

But you need to consider having a wife and a 5 yr old in the truck. Your first job is to drive the truck, not be a tour guide for the family. Good luck ! Jimmy

May 08, 2017
Rider policy.
by: Anonymous

Probably be fired if your company doesn't allow riders.
Britton Transport you can take the wife and child and there's no fee to pay.

May 07, 2017
Refer to the company policy
by: Hervy

We cant tell you that. You have to find out from your company what the consequences are. Likely you will be fired.

Willful and intentional neglect of company policy leaving them open to possible liability or necessary litigation as the least in the event an accident happened or your rider goes crazy and does something that puts the carrier in a negative light.

Etc. etc. etc.

They have reasons (good, bad, flawed or not) for the policy. So, depending on their reason and how serious they view the violation how severe the punishment is.

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