what is a maxi trailer

by dj

what is the specs for a maxi trailer

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Jul 01, 2011
What is a maxi
by: Anonymous

A maxi trailer (aka maxi-cube) is usually 57'L x 8.5'W x 13.5'H with an inside height of 9.17' for an approximate lading volume of somewhere around 4,144 cu.ft.

Ultra-cubes are basically the same except 14'h with slightly more inside volume and they are the ones with the tiny wheels. (These are most used for over-rail applications)

These are mainly used for over the road and on the rail applications and are rarely suitable for in-city delivery use.

Also illegal in many states but that is likely to change.

They are a Class-8 Trailer designed for Class-8 Truck-Tractor (Semi Trucks)

If you are referring to a maxi-set, they are usually a 40'L lead trailer and a 20'L pup.

Nowadays the definition has broaden to include any combination that adds up to 53'-65' of trailer as long as the lead trailer is longer than the pup.

Hope that helps. Cheers!

May 10, 2010
They're specd BIG.
by: Jimmy

Maxi's are specd for maximum freight volume. 57' long with 14' highth, thin walls etc. Usually used for light weight freight that cubes out before it grosses out. Jimmy

May 03, 2010
Maxi trailers are cool but they are not for big trucks
by: Hervy

Maxi trailers have nothing to do with trucking, but for those who uses pick up trucks for hauling they have a large assortment of units with many specifications including hydraulic dumps. The largest I've seen is for a fifth wheel.

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