what is a trucking job like?

by austin wright
(tennesse knoxville usa )

Hi. I am 15 years old and im thinking bout truck driving.

i need some advice if i should or not. How is it and is hard when u just start out like making turns and backing up and without crashing.

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Jun 03, 2013
drive with NEW
by: Anonymous

Austin, do you know any truckers that you can go with on trips this summer? That should give you a good idea on what the life is like. I really don't think anyone can explain it well to you. It's a hard job; not necessarily hard work. But you have to comply with DOT regulations, get enough sleep, get to your drops on time and pick up reloads on time. You have little to no home time so don't think about having a girlfriend in this type of work.

But you can certainly make enough money to save up for a different type of job.

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