what is a utility driver? what is a line driver?


in a trucking site it listed positions as above.

what is a line driver? what is utility?

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Sep 06, 2010
LineHaul and utility drivers.
by: Jimmy

Dennis has line haul correct. Utility is a local P@D (pick up/delivery) driver. Home every night. He could also fill in for a sick or vacationing line haul driver. Jimmy

Sep 05, 2010
what about utility?
by: Anonymous

thank for answering the question about the line haul job. that makes sense.

the other job mentioned utility? What is a utility driver?

Sep 05, 2010
what is a utility driver? what is a line driver?
by: Dennis Shipman

The questions lack context, and no one will be able to answer. However, I will give one a shot.

A "line haul" driver is typically one that runs for a specific company between two terminals [lines], hence "line haul." 10-4?

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